Tuesday 28 April 2015

Crimes Against Men in India - The Most Ignored Subject

It seems, the whole world dances to feminism's tune and "crimes against women" get more highlight than anything else all over the world. In this scenario, many countries of the world other than India,have become able to show spines not to stoop to feminisms completely and retain totally gender neutral laws. For example, France. There are many countries having completely gender neutral laws.
Really, India's legal system , government both have totally succumbed to feminism. Here in India, all laws related to Rape, Molestation, Sexual Harassment at Work Place, Matrimonial laws, are specially targeted against men.  "Women can't commit sexual and matrimonial offences, tortures against men. Only men are such criminals"- this is the crystal clear vibe of such ridiculous, gender biased Indian laws. Moreover, these anti-male laws don't have any suo motu, automatically executable punishment clauses to adequately punish unscrupulous, evil filthy women who toy with such laws just to harass  men for publicity and vested interests.
Strangely, anti-male  feminists, here in India, can easily hijack law making processes and comfortably make the whole legal machinery dance to their unethical tune unlike other civilized countries of the world!!
Very naturally, these demonic, ugly, flawed, anti-male laws, born out of feminist interference,  get ample opportunity to be misused wantonly by diabolical women.  Innocent men and husbands are regularly pushed to the brink, against the wall defenselessly and commit suicide in huge numbers. There are more and more men commit suicides compared to women.
In every 8 minutes, one Indian man commits suicide. The figure is  worsening fast. Huge number of Indian husbands are committing suicides regularly after pushed to the wall by ugly draconian , one sided,anti-husband, wives protection laws of India.  Many families are getting destroyed beyond repair. Even after all these, the demonic anti-male feminists' thrust for male blood has not quenched!! These anti-male scums of Indian society, are now barking to bring yet another one sided, men killing, family breaking wives' pet laws on 'Marital Rape'. See, the countries, where this concept of 'Marital Law' exists, have this law gender neutral. Husbands  in those countries, also can bring sexual assault charges against their wives.  But in India, if one preaches for gender neutral 'Matrimonial Rape' laws, all anti-male opportunist feminists will start howling in chorus!!!! Above all even if gender neutral, , the countries having 'Marital Rape' included in their laws, see most number of broken families. And a resultant sea of guardian less children who become astray or social criminals later in their lives.
Besides committing suicides in huge numbers, many men are leading devastated, disgraceful, pathetic lives, after getting  themselves falsely accused under, all anti-men, open to misuse, lopsided, Rape, Molestation and Sexual Harassment at Work Place  laws.
 The false accuser evil women are roaming happily unpunished even after their claims proven false in court of law, due to lack of suo motu punishment clauses in those ugly draconian anti-male laws.
In many cases, women cry rape after consensual or forced sex upon men, to take revenge or just to harass and extort men. That means, here in India, women have free license to rape men and later play 'sinless innocent victims' blessed with and armed with all those said flawed laws. Furthermore, the most disgusting fact I have come to know that, the government of India is planning to sell one special type of revolver called "Nirvik" to women in the name of their safety!!! I don't know which law maker's brain child is this horrible idea!! Despite knowing massive law abusing nature of women, now they are gving license to women to kill men without fear!!! Who will assure, these firearms will not go to the hands of evil women, who will be using these to kill men like anti-socials, and later cry 'attempt to rape'!!! Who will assure that?? What do our stooges to feminists law makers think, women are as truthful as Yudhisthir!!! Eh!!
Shame!!after all these, unbridled women oiling and feminists wooing on the part of the government continues in India. Despite knowing all such crimes against men, Govt of India, is in deep sleep with eyes wide shut. No honest trial on government's part to disable Art 15(3) of the constitution, from enabling it to make state eligible to formulate anti-men ,open to misuse laws; removing words like 'Man-Woman' 'Husband-Wife' with single words like 'Person' and 'Spouse' respectively for current Rape, Molestation and Matrimonial laws. No honest effort on parts of Indian law makers to give weightage only Articles 14, 19 and 21 of the Indian constitution while law making!!! Lame Indian laws, unable to protect men from crimes committed against them by women!! I mean the crimes of sexual nature and law abuse. Shame!! Shame!!!
So, dear Indian law makers, you know everything I have discussed in this blog. If you really keep in touch with the internet  in a nutshell very meticulously, if you fallow social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Blogs very carefully, you may verify my claims. Actually you justsleep eyes wide shut. You know!! So wake up!! Do the needful before it is too late and we start using huge NOTA to get you a taste of our wrath and disappointment in democratic way. Okay!! Got me!!! Thanks.